Tailored 360

A 360º feedback appraisal gives you a far more rounded view of your behaviour at work than an appraisal by an individual line manager.  Our approach to 360º feedback can be based on:

  • your organisational competency framework
  • one of the existing recognised instruments
  • or it can be specifically targeted to your own requirements.

Commonly we would approach your line manager, peers, people you manage and other people you work for such as external stakeholders as well as providing a self-assessment, but again this can be differentiated further depending on your needs.

The process is managed confidentially by our consultants who will collate all the data.  The information is collated and a feedback report written and supported by an easy to understand graphical representation of the information. The report and the issues raised are discussed during a one to one feedback session. The intention of this confidential session is to support you in planning your development at an individual, team or organisational level.

Advantages to the Individual
  • 360º process helps individuals to understand how others perceive them in the workplace
  • Strengths and areas for development are revealed from the perspectives of others
  • Feedback is an essential tool for increasing performance
Advantages to the Team
  • Communication and awareness between team members is developed
  • The process supports teamwork by involving team members, peers and others in the development process
Advantages to the Organisation
  • Better career development for employees
  • Succession Planning
  • Development tool that can be integrated into a wider programme of training and development e.g. development centres
  • Can also be used as a standalone development tool