Executive Recruitment Support

What makes recruitment and selection effective?

Recruitment is a big investment. It is important that you get the process right – that you are fair and consistent in your approach while meeting the needs of your organisation to recruit the right person for the job.

Getting that right person takes more than simply checking out the technical details of their application in an interview. Of course applicants need to have the right skills to do the job, but skills and knowledge alone do not necessarily guarantee “a positive contribution” to the organisation. For leadership and management roles, in particular, you need to know more about a candidate’s interpersonal skills and behaviours, their values and their ability to cope with a range of different situations:

  • How aware are they of the impact they have on other people?
  • How do they communicate with and influence others? Can they motivate and inspire people?
  • Are they able to see situations from a number of different perspectives?
  • What is their approach to working as part of a team? How flexible are they about working as part of several teams at different levels?
  • What is their attitude to change and looking for ways of improving how things are done?

Putting in place a robust, fair and consistent recruitment process is critical in ensuring that you make the right decision. It will also safeguard and enhance your reputation as a fair and effective employer.

“Effective recruitment is essential to the successful functioning of your organisation. Successful recruitment depends on finding people with the necessary skills, expertise and qualifications to deliver organisational objectives and the ability to make a positive contribution to the values and aims of the organisation”

Equal Opportunities Commission, May 2016

What Salomons can do for you

We can help you identify the skills, competencies or behaviours required for effective performance in a particular role, drawing on our experience of developing competency frameworks.

With our expertise in this field, we can then help you choose the most appropriate and effective processes for assessment and selection. We can:

  • Support your in-house team in managing the recruitment and assessment process by providing training at the outset and/or coaching throughout the process.
  • Help you with both the design and delivery of Assessment Centres.
  • Advise on the robust and fair use of psychometrics in assessment and selection.
  • Administer and deliver feedback on the outcomes of psychometrics used as part of an assessment process.
  • Use a Value based recruitment process [view here for more info.]